Tuesday, July 29, 2008

monsters under the bed

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." -Deuteronomy 31:6

the fear of the unknown can be paralyzing. sometimes the easiest choice is to stay put, rather than facing uncharted territory. praise God that the choice isn't always ours to make.

the israelites have been wandering for years, waiting to enter the land that was promised to them. they have shown themselves to be a selfish, complaining people and easily persuaded away by other gods, even having seen the power of God intimately on their journey. and yet our faithful God blesses this unfaithful people with these words.

this new promised land was a land of uncertainty for the people of israel. there were enemies to conquer to take the land. and yet this land was PROMISED- it was to be theirs. despite this promise, they were concerned that their own strength was not enough. and they were correct in this assumption. only through God's strength could they enter the promised land that was theirs.

in our life, in our battles and uncertainties, the strength and courage to be possessed is not our own. the reason we can be strong and courageous is because the Lord goes with us. our boldness and strength does not lie within ourselves, but with God who lives inside us.

God is true to his Word He has given. He will never fail or forsake us. we will not be led into a battle that we will lose. even when circumstances would seem to indicate otherwise, God has a greater and higher purpose in mind. each victory in battle is part of His design. when the victory comes in the form of hard times or struggles, God is not surprised, dismayed, or defeated. He is still victorious.

it is the Lord our God who goes with us.

isn't it time we started living victoriously rather than scared and defeated? just as the monsters under the bed vanish in the light, fear and doubt flee in the face of the light of the world. this world was never meant to be easy. but with Christ in us, we were meant to be victorious.

Father, shine your light on this dark world that they may see your victory. Amen.